XD Lab | Experience Design Lab | ID KAIST
Minhyeok Seo, Junyeong Im
Site-specific Projection mapping 4 '30" projection, Two Channel Audio
KAIST E14 Main Building, Daejeon, South Korea
Part of the Projecting the Anthropocene project
Biosphere: JENGA | Minhyeok Seo, Junyeong Im
Technosphere: UNITE D’HABITATION | Euan Kang, Intae Hwang
Project Manager: Jeanyoon Choi
Art Director, Advisor: Prof Yiyun Kang
After a year-long collaboration with the KAIST Center for Anthropocene Studies, XD Lab presented two distinct projection mapping artworks: JENGA (Biosphere) and UNITE D'HABITATION (Technosphere), which poetically and immersively depict various aspects of the Anthropocene.
JENGA | Minhyeok Seo, Junyeong Im
Humanity has exploited and destroyed the Earth’s resources and her life. This process was done slowly and secretly, thus most of modern people can only recognize, but are unable to feel this tragedy.
The project mapped on KAIST main building runs with three parts.
First part, giant hands alter the main building, showing how humanity has changed the Earth fitting to our needs and greed. After several demonstrations of using the Earth’s resources, a collapsed world is all that remains.
Second part delivers a message about human centered choice of species and extinction with the scene of stacking animals. Giant hands try to make up for their fault by stacking animals and restore the world. However, this could not be fulfilled as pigs and chickens flood in and fill up the world.
Last part, we imagine the end of the overpopulated Earth. Space filled with animals is finally distorted, and after chaos, we encounter the ‘Earth reset’.
© 2024 Experience Design Lab (XD Lab), Minhyeok Seo, Junyeong Im